
Description: This AgentCubes model represents a burning fire spreading throughout an entire forest. There are fire squads who are trying to create a fireline to stop the fire. Will they save the forest or will the fire prevail? Agents: Yellow- Firefighers Green Circle- Healthy Tree Red Circle- Burning Tree Brown Circle- Burnt Tree Simulation Properties: Spread.pct.chance- The percent chance the a healthy tree will catch on fire when next to a burning tree Chop.pct.chance- The percent chance a firefighter will be successful in cutting down a tree Burnt.pct.chance- The percent chance a burning tree will burn out and become a burnt tree Trees.pct.chance- The percent of the world that will be covered in trees Rules: - Burning Trees change into Burnt Trees with percent chance. - If a Healthy Tree is next to a burning tree with some percent chance, then the Healthy Tree will change into a Burning Tree - A counter counts and graphs the number of Healthy, Burning, and Burnt Trees Extensions: - Firefighters move randomly on the world - If a Firefighter is next to a Healthy Tree with some percent chance then the Healthy Tree will be cut down - If a Firefighter is fully surrounded by Burning Trees, then the Firefighter dies - Healthy Trees are randomly distribute on the world How to run the program: 1. First Fill the World named "Forest" with the Agent "World". This will create a forest with trees randomly distributed. 2. Add a Burning Tree on the right side of the model 3. Run the model and see how far the fire will spread 4. Once the fire has stopped, reset the model and go back to step 1 to restart the model.
Created:March 17, 2018
Parent Project:1155758
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Description: This AgentCubes model represents a burning fire spreading throughout an entire forest. There are fire squads who are trying to create a fireline to stop the fire. Will they save the forest or will the fire prevail? Agents: Yellow- Firefighers Green Circle- Healthy Tree Red Circle- Burning Tree Brown Circle- Burnt Tree Simulation Properties: Spread.pct.chance- The percent chance the a healthy tree will catch on fire when next to a burning tree Chop.pct.chance- The percent chance a firefighter will be successful in cutting down a tree Burnt.pct.chance- The percent chance a burning tree will burn out and become a burnt tree Trees.pct.chance- The percent of the world that will be covered in trees Rules: - Burning Trees change into Burnt Trees with percent chance. - If a Healthy Tree is next to a burning tree with some percent chance, then the Healthy Tree will change into a Burning Tree - A counter counts and graphs the number of Healthy, Burning, and Burnt Trees Extensions: - Firefighters move randomly on the world - If a Firefighter is next to a Healthy Tree with some percent chance then the Healthy Tree will be cut down - If a Firefighter is fully surrounded by Burning Trees, then the Firefighter dies - Healthy Trees are randomly distribute on the world How to run the program: 1. First Fill the World named "Forest" with the Agent "World". This will create a forest with trees randomly distributed. 2. Add a Burning Tree on the right side of the model 3. Run the model and see how far the fire will spread 4. Once the fire has stopped, reset the model and go back to step 1 to restart the model.
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