
This is a simulation of the Monty Hall "Let's Make a Deal" game with up to 10 doors. The @mode simulation property controls whether the game runs in manual (0) or automatic (1) mode. In automatic mode, the game is played until a specified number of rounds occurs (@stop_limit). In manual mode, use the hand tool to tap on a door. It opens. Tap on the Monitor to see where the prize is; tap the monitor again to continue. Statistics of the number of wins by staying vs. switching, and the corresponding percentages, as well as how many choices of each door and how many times each door had a prize behind it,are maintained as simulation properties. The percentages of wins by staying vs. switching are plotted. If @display_delay <>0 then prompts are displayed in manual mode to guide the user. The @Number_doors controls how many doors are involved in the game. The minimum number is 3. Using the Shift-Hand Tool on the Monitor allows setting that simulation property to the desired number. Note that if you set @Number_doors to be <10 you may wish to temporarily remove the higher number doors from the world. It will not affect the actual results to leave them on. However, when doors are initially opened, the unused doors will not be opened, which can confuse the player into thinking (before the prize is exposed) that the prize could be behind one of the unused doors. @Fixed_choice set to a number between 1 and @Number_doors, allows forcing the player choice to a specific door in automatic play (@mode=1). Otherwise, both the player and opponent choices are made randomly. The hand tool with shift-alt on the Monitor toggles @mode between 0 and 1. The hand tool with shift-alt on a door toggles the @display_delay between .1 and 0 (disables help messages).
Created:March 31, 2017
Parent Project:699379
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This is a simulation of the Monty Hall "Let's Make a Deal" game with up to 10 doors. The @mode simulation property controls whether the game runs in manual (0) or automatic (1) mode. In automatic mode, the game is played until a specified number of rounds occurs (@stop_limit). In manual mode, use the hand tool to tap on a door. It opens. Tap on the Monitor to see where the prize is; tap the monitor again to continue. Statistics of the number of wins by staying vs. switching, and the corresponding percentages, as well as how many choices of each door and how many times each door had a prize behind it,are maintained as simulation properties. The percentages of wins by staying vs. switching are plotted. If @display_delay <>0 then prompts are displayed in manual mode to guide the user. The @Number_doors controls how many doors are involved in the game. The minimum number is 3. Using the Shift-Hand Tool on the Monitor allows setting that simulation property to the desired number. Note that if you set @Number_doors to be <10 you may wish to temporarily remove the higher number doors from the world. It will not affect the actual results to leave them on. However, when doors are initially opened, the unused doors will not be opened, which can confuse the player into thinking (before the prize is exposed) that the prize could be behind one of the unused doors. @Fixed_choice set to a number between 1 and @Number_doors, allows forcing the player choice to a specific door in automatic play (@mode=1). Otherwise, both the player and opponent choices are made randomly. The hand tool with shift-alt on the Monitor toggles @mode between 0 and 1. The hand tool with shift-alt on a door toggles the @display_delay between .1 and 0 (disables help messages).
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